Welcome to Diocesan Judicial Bodies!

Peninsula Malaysia Ecclesiastical Tribunal (PMET)

Address: Malacca Johore Diocese Office, MAJODI Centre, 2101 Jalan Masai, Plentong, 81750 Masai, Johor
Contact: 07-3871121
Fax: 07-3805505
Associate J. VicarRev. Anthony Ng Lee Kiang, JCL
Defender of Bond
AuditorRev. Deacon Anthony Chua
NotariesRev. Damian Charles Pereira
Rev. Martinian Lee Hock Chuan
Rev. Louis Chin Soon Teck, M. Div, MBA.
Tribunal Administrator/NotaryMs. Theresa Ong

Professional Standards Office (MJDPSO) [2022-2024]

Professional Standards Office is established by the Bishop of Malacca Johore with a committee of lay professionals to oversee the development of policy, principles and procedures in responding to Church-related abuse complaints.

Malacca Johore Diocese Professional Standards Office (MJD-PSO)

Address: MAJODI Centre, 2101 Jalan Masai, Plentong, 81750 Masai, Johor
Contact: 07-3871121 ext. 118
Bishop’s DelegateMr. S. Jeyakumar (Head of Inquiries)
Priest Liaison
MembersRev. Damian Charles Pereira
ASP Timmy Anak Aheng
Ms. Anne Chrishanthani Vergis
Rev. Joseph Heng Chon Sin